3. Basic examples

3.1. Prerequisites

  1. Clone the repository runing the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/pyCellID/pyCellID
$ cd pyCellID
  1. create a jupyter notebook called ‘example.ipynb’

The data used in the following example can be downloaded from the ‘samples_cellid’ folder of the PycellID repository.

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pycellid as ld

3.2. CellData object instantiation

A CellData object can be instantiated by declaring the parameters:

  • path: directory that contains the images segmented by Cell-ID.

  • df: a Dataframe containing the variables measured for each cell.

base_dir = os.path.join(".","samples_cellid")
data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir,"pydata","df.csv")
data = pd.read_csv(data_dir)
cells = ld.CellData(path=base_dir,df=data)

3.3. Inspection of data structure

Information about the way the data is structured can be obtained through intuitive commands.

  • Number of rows times number of columns of the table containing Cell-ID data

  • Number of rows and columns of the table

(18189, 124)
  • List of the first 15 parameters of data table

  • Description of the statistics of parameters

count    18189.000000
mean        28.362692
std         10.433144
min          3.343855
25%         20.955810
50%         25.280250
75%         34.729460
max         92.609380
Name: maj_axis, dtype: float64

3.4. Filtering data

You would want to look at your images to rule out out-of-focus cells, find dead cells, or remove those cells that biology tells you to be outliers.

It is posible to present exploratory plots with randomly chosen cells satisfying certain criteria.

# Exploratory plot presenting n = 49 randomly chosen cells
# with an area smaller than 500 pixels.
# Out of focus cells, dead cells, clusters and other
# defects can be seen among the images displayed.
cells.plot(array_img_kws={"channel":"tfp", "n":49, "criteria":{"a_tot":[0, 500]}})

Data can also be presented using histograms and other types of plots.

# Histogram of cells in the experiment based on their total area.
cells.a_tot.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.5, legend=True)

Data can be filtered applying thresholds to the measured parameters. In this case we want to differentiate cells with areas greater and smaller than 200 pixels and show examples of them in two plots.

# initialize your figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 5)

# Filtering your data

# titles
plt.suptitle('16 random cells')
axs[0].set_title('a_tot < 200 px')
axs[1].set_title('a_tot >= 200 px')

# customize your output

3.5. CellsPloter

PyCellID owns the CellsPloter accessor, in charge of rendering the images. You can use the axes provided by CellPloter with the library of your choice.

CellPloter defines two useful methods: + cells_image + cimage

# Defining the accessor
ploter = ld.CellsPloter(cells)

cells_image method allows the user to plot a custom number of cells.


It also let the user to define filtering criteria.


Data filtering performed in the previous section can be also carried out using method cells_image from CellsPloter.

# initialize your figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 5)

a_max = cells['a_tot'].max()

# Filtering your data

# titles
plt.suptitle('16 random cells')
axs[0].set_title('a_tot < 200 px')
axs[1].set_title('a_tot > 200 px')

# customize your output

On the other hand, cimage method is used to plot a single cell in a fluorescence channel based on its unique cell identifier (ucid) and the time stamp (t_frame) corresponding to the instant of interest.

indentifier = { "channel":"BF", "ucid":100000000045, "t_frame":5}
box_img_kws = {"radius":30}
ploter.cimage( indentifier,box_img_kws = box_img_kws)

It can be used to show the time evolution of an individual cell. As an example, a single cell is presented at different times in TFP and CFP channels.

ucid = 100000000047
box_img_kws = {"radius":30}

# initialize your figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 6)
fig.set_size_inches(24, 8)

channels = ["TFP", "CFP"]
cmaps = ["Greys", "Blues"]

for j, c in enumerate(channels):
    imshow_kws = None
    imshow_kws = {"cmap": cmaps[j]}
    for i in range(6):
        indentifier = { "channel":c, "ucid":ucid, "t_frame":i}
        ploter.cimage( indentifier, box_img_kws = box_img_kws, imshow_kws=imshow_kws, ax=axs[j,i])
        titles = f'{c}: t_frame = {i}'